Auto insurance is a contract between a customer and an insurance company. When you find the right policy, you agree to pay a premium to the insurance company in return for covered costs resulting from an auto accident or claim. Here at Hayes Company, we can search companies and policies for you and tailor your coverages specifically for you. Each policy offers different coverages, limits and deductibles, so it is important to have an agent explain these to you. It pays to see Hayes since 1968!
We proudly represent Mercury Insurance Group, Nationwide Insurance, Progressive Home, Drive Insurance from Progressive, Pacific Specialty Insurance, GeoVera Insurance, AARP Auto & Home Insurance from The Hartford, Bamboo Insurance, First American Specialty, Hagerty Insurance, Grundy Insurance, American Collectors Insurance, Foremost Insurance, Aegis, Stillwater Insurance, American Modern, California Fair Plan, Superior Flood, Blue Shield, Anthem Blue Cross, and CNA Surety, just to name a few!
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